If you Google “DoRoyal Hosting”, odds are you’ll see a bunch of websites mention our lifetime website hosting promotional offers. Then, if you search through something like Reddit, you’ll find that “lifetime hosting is a scam, always, and without exception” pretty commonly parroted on r/webhosting.
To be absolutely clear, DoRoyal is not a lifetime provider. We do not rely on a constant flow of lifetime orders to keep ourselves afloat. We primarily sell monthly hosting packages, and offer a range of services to fit all of your website hosting needs. If we stopped offering a lifetime deal tomorrow, we would have zero issues financially supporting ourselves, our network, and our continued growth as your website hosting provider.
How Does DoRoyal Make Money?
We sell website hosting packages on a recurring basis, whether it’s monthly, yearly, or something else entirely. This is where the bulk of our revenue comes from.
Beyond that, we also provide optional add-on services, such as premium certificates, off-site backups, domain names, and a bunch of additional stuff.
Does DoRoyal Make Money On The “Lifetime” Packages?
No, we do not. At least, not on the core web hosting itself. However, just over 70% of our lifetime customers are also actively subscribing to one or more of our recurring add-on services, with the most popular being our .COM domain names. Looking at our operational costs, the domain name registrations alone make it so all of our lifetime accounts are profitable.
Each Jester’s Plan account costs us approximately $0.03 to operate. While there are some heavy hitters, the majority of our customers use virtually no storage space or monthly bandwidth, keeping our main costs low, and our profits high. (1GB storage and 5GB bandwidth is the network-wide average for our Jester’s Plan customers)
If 0 Addons Or Domains Were Sold, Would DoRoyal Still Be Profitable?
Yes, we would. We’ve been selling website hosting for years, and still have active clients dating all the way back to 2012. While selling zero domains or addons will of course affect our revenue a fair bit, it will not actually result in us losing money. DoRoyal as a whole will still be profitable.
But Reddit Says This Is A Scam!?
We’re more than aware of the criticisms over on r/webhosting, and have been doing what we can to provide as much information as possible, just to reassure those Redditors that no, we are not going to go out of business any time soon, and that no, we are not reliant on lifetime customers to keep ourselves running. We’ve even reached out with the r/webhosting moderators, asking to see if DoRoyal could become one of their official partners. They did not seem to be interested in discussing this with us.
So, DoRoyal Won’t Vanish Overnight?
Nope. We’ve been here for over a decade now, and have no intentions of shutting down any time soon. At this point, we’ve actually been around longer than most of our competitors.
Hopefully our history speaks for itself, and helps to express our general trustworthiness in the web hosting space.
Long Story Short
– DoRoyal is not reliant on our lifetime promotions, or any of our other promotional offers and partnerships.
– DoRoyal is fully profitable even without our lifetime promotions and partnerships.
– DoRoyal makes money by selling recurring website hosting packages.
– DoRoyal does not make a profit on our lifetime clients alone.
– DoRoyal sells add-ons and domain names, with 70% of or lifetime customers ordering at least one add-on or domain.
– DoRoyal’s operational costs are low.
– DoRoyal has been in business since April of 2012.